Portrait Painting Fundamentals for Art Educators
Instructor: Natalie Italiano
June 20th – 24th, 2022
9 am – 4 pm
Tuition: $550 ($350 for Art Educators)
This workshop introduces fundamental portrait painting concepts based on the curriculum of Studio Incamminati. Through a progressive series of exercises, students learn the principles and direct painting methods necessary to paint a portrait from life. Exercises begin with a dynamic approach to grasping the gesture of the head and establishing main landmarks. Studies progress from monochromatic grisaille painting to value and color studies. Daily instructor demonstrations and discussions clearly explain an approach to study influenced by the teaching of Nelson Shanks. Concepts helpful to educators will be included, but it is not necessary to be a teacher to benefit from this workshop.
The content of this workshop meets the standards for the National Art Education Association. All levels of artists are welcome to attend; the workshop is not limited to educators.
If you are elligible for the Art Educator discount, please call 215-592-7910 or email dmahlman@studioincamminati.org
About Instructor
Natalie Italiano is a graduate of Studio Incamminati’s Advanced Fine Art Program, and has “Signature Status” from Portrait Society of America. She also received PSoA’s Certificate of Excellence in 2009. Her work has appeared in numerous exhibitions and galleries. Besides being an apprentice to SI founder Nelson Shanks, Italiano holds a teaching certificate from the Moore College of Art, is an alumni of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and has a BA from Rowan University in Psychology.
Workshops Payment and Refund Policies
Due to limited class space, tuition is non-refundable. A credit for tuition may be issued up to
30 days before the first workshop class. No credit will be issued after that time. Credits are valid from one year of issue. Registration and enrollment is first-come, first-served with full tuition due at time of registration.
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Studio Incamminati does not share, sell, or rent any of the information collected to any third parties and does not intend to do so in the future.