Alla Prima Still Life Painting
Learn to paint with confidence by developing trust in your unique visual interpretation, using this as a starting point and a focus throughout your painting in order to be open to learning or change. Learning to paint is a lifelong process and in this class my desire is to be truly helpful to you on your journey!
Classes will include instructor demonstrations, group critiques, and individual attention at the easel. The instructor will respond to the needs of each student and address their level of development. Classes are appropriate for all skill levels.
About the Artist
Barbara Zanelli is an award winning artist and graduate of Studio Incamminati and Syracuse University. She teaches at Fleisher Art Memorial, Wayne Art Center, Abington Arts Center, Journey’s Way and Repenning Fine Arts in NJ. Her still life paintings, portraits, landscape paintings and horse paintings have been in numerous exhibitions and hang in many semi-public and private collections.
Workshops Payment and Refund Policies
Due to limited class space, tuition is non-refundable. A credit for tuition may be issued up to
30 days before the first workshop class. No credit will be issued after that time. Credits are valid from one year of issue. Registration and enrollment is first-come, first-served with full tuition due at time of registration.
Continuing Education and Emerging Artists School-year Program Payment and Refund Policies
Due to limited class space, tuition must be paid in full at time of registration. A $100 fee is applied for cancellation up to the first class. No refunds will be issued after the first class.
Privacy Policy
Studio Incamminati does not share, sell, or rent any of the information collected to any third parties and does not intend to do so in the future.