Help Keep Art in Philadelphia

It’s challenging to make it as an artist. In the past year, two major, historical art schools in our region have closed. The reason is simple: artists can’t afford today’s tuition rates. With the average art school charging over $40k per year while the average artist makes little or no money from art sales upon graduation, it is not surprising that art school enrollments are dwindling. 

You, however, can make a difference!

Listed below are artists in need of funding for their education. They have either applied and been accepted to Studio Incamminati (and cannot afford to enroll), or are currently enrolled either part or full time and are unsure if they will be able to complete their education.

What the Alumni Say About Studio Incamminati

TODO: Shrink font and update layout above

Studio Incamminati Scholarship Fund

Studio Incamminati covers half of the cost of a student through events, fundraising, and sponsors. The other half (~20k/year) is paid by the student. We would like to reduce this burden on students even further to assure that art education stays in Philadelphia!

How It Works

You may donate at any level:

  • Reoccurring Monthly Amount. Every penny counts. Not everyone can donate enough to cover a full scholarship, but you can still sponsor a student with a monthly donation amount. Your donation will be pooled with other donations to create a partial scholarship.
  • Partial Scholarship. Multiple half and quarter scholarships are awarded to students each semester. These are selected by the Scholarship Committee.
  • Full Scholarship. A full scholarship lets a student fully focus on their art (many must work nights after class to support themselves). With a full scholarship, you many name your award, provide selection criteria (e.g. female only) and participate in the selection process. Full scholarships can be funded by individuals or groups of people.
  • Endowment. Would you like to make your award perpetual, i.e. it exists year after year. A scholarship endowment does just that and includes all the benefits of a full scholarship award: naming, selection criteria, and participation in the selection process.

Prior to the start of each semester, the Scholarship Committee will make awards to students. The Committee is composed of members from the faculty, administration, and board. In the case of a full scholarship award or endowment, the donor(s) may also participate in the selection process.

Regardless of amounts, all donors will receive:

  • A personalized email from your awardee updating you on what they’ve learned including photos of their progress
  • Meet and greet opportunities with your awardee during Studio Incamminati events
  • Early access to purchase artwork from your awardee before school sponsored sales events

For more information, contact us at:

TODO: The donate button goes to a basic PayPal donate page. We need something more customized so that we know it is a scholarship donation. We should also have anyone making a full donation contact us directly