Painting with multiple lights sources - online

Instructor: Jason Jenkins

Saturdays, Oct. 28-Dec. 16 

11am-2pm EST (online via zoom)

Tuition: $399


In this class we will practice painting a subject under multiple light sources. This exercise pushes our understanding of form as it must continue to function within a more complex lighting arrangement. It also deepens our understanding of shadow as we reconcile air in a shadow, reflected lights, and secondary light sources. Finally painting universally white casts (or other flat white objects, without pattern or print, and with a matte, non-reflective surface) with multiple light sources provides an opportunity to enhance temperature or color relationships based on the color or temperature of the light sources applied, uninfluenced by local color. Balancing this amplification against effectively turning planes with color is a great way to increase one’s visual sensitivity.

*Reference preparation and photography, with bracketing, will be discussed and demonstrated in the first class.

**Non-cast subjects: Matte ceramic dishwater, white drapery (hung or draped), white paper or paper towel (crumpled and arranged), Styrofoam spheres…)

We will be employing HD Zoom, and Google Classroom throughout the course of this workshop. In addition, I will be using Adobe Photoshop to deliver critiques in the clearest way possible. Lectures, Demos, and Critiques will be recorded and posted to Google classroom for student review. Assignments will be given at the end of each class and should be submitted by email at: for inclusion in the following weeks critique.

See Jason’s website


Register by Phone: 215-592-7910 ex. 1

Workshops Payment and Refund Policies

Due to limited class space, tuition is non-refundable. A credit for tuition may be issued up to
30 days before the first workshop class. No credit will be issued after that time. Credits are valid from one year of issue. Registration and enrollment is first-come, first-served with full tuition due at time of registration.

Continuing Education and Emerging Artists School-year Program Payment and Refund Policies

Due to limited class space, tuition must be paid in full at time of registration. A $100 fee is applied for cancellation up to the first class. No refunds will be issued after the first class.

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Studio Incamminati does not share, sell, or rent any of the information collected to any third parties and does not intend to do so in the future.